Page Titles

Standard Page Title

Page Titles are used to describe the main focus of the page. They should typically be the only <h1> element on the page.

Coding standards for page titles on are as follows:

  1. add #pageHeader id to a wrapping <div> element

  2. place <h1>Page Title</h1> inside wrapping element

  3. Page Titles are formatted with Title Case (not UPPER CASE)

<div id="pageHeader">
    <h1>Page Title</h1>

MyShop Page Title

Page Titles are used to describe the main focus of the page. The MyShop page title should only appear on the MyShop page.

Coding standards for page titles on are as follows:

  1. add #pageHeader id and .myShop class to a wrapping <div> element

  2. place <h1>My Shop</h1> inside wrapping element

<div id="pageHeader" class="myShop">
    <h1>My Shop</h1>

Section Headers

Section Headers are used to visualy display a break in content. They should generally follow these styling rules:

Coding standards for section headers on are as follows:

  1. add .sectionHeader class to a wrapping <div> element

  2. place <h3>Section Header</h3> inside wrapping element

<div class="sectionHeader">
    <h3>Section Header</h3>


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